Rita Edited

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More than a marketplace. Shop directly from local makers, artists & designers.

Shop small. Shop local. Shop better. Shop RITA.

shop now apply to sell

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We BELIEVE in creating the kind of world we want by consciously choosing what we buy and who we buy it from. We want to buy from people who create MAGIC within our little corner of the world and the people who dance in their kitchen when they get a sale.

We are deeply connected to the values of conscious spending, quality over quantity, small scale over mass produced and above all else COMMUNITY OVER COMPETITION.

We are CURATING Rita Edited in a way that New Zealand hasn’t seen before. We will get out our cream pom poms and cheer for our small scale producers, makers, designers and artists. We want to give them a voice, a platform, a community and the opportunity to CONNECT + GROW.


Cheerleading for the small scale producers. Rita Edited is a platform to sell your product directly to consumers

We are an apply to sell marketplace with seasonal intakes of new sellers. You will find the dates and information about applying to sell with us below.


A curated collection for the conscious consumer. Shop products proudly made, designed or produced in New Zealand

Thank you for buying better and supporting small and local
